Easy to get a job
Project detail If you’re skillful in using Microsoft word or any other word processing package then this job is for you. We have a packaged job for a serious freelancer.
Easy to get a job
Hello freelancers, due to the increase in projects at our company, we are a little short staffed and would like to hire a few freelancers to work with us from…
Easy to get a job
Freelancers who have access to the educational system curriculum of Egypt, U.A.E, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, and other Arabic speaking countries should send in proposals for this job.
Easy to get a job
I’ve written books that needs to be edited, copywritten and proofread before publishing. I’ll need them published in different languages too. Therefore Translation is required too for different languages. If…
Easy to get a job
Am nevoie de scriitori competenți care sunt liber profesioniști, noi sau cu experiență pentru un job de scriitor. Postul în cauză urmează să fie prezentat în câteva zile. Trimiteți propunerile…
Hard to get a job
Hello freelancers, due to the increase in projects at our company, we are a little short staffed and would like to hire a few freelancers to work with us from…
Hard to get a job
Hello freelancers, due to the increase in projects at our company, we are a little short staffed and would like to hire a few freelancers to work with us from…
Not hard to get a job
Hello freelancers, due to the increase in projects at our company, we are a little short staffed and would like to hire a few freelancers to work with us from…