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Scientific and research companies are in need of translators Please send your proposals below

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Fast and competent Arabic translators needed. Kindly place your bids for the job details

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    Easy to get a job

Scientific and research companies are in need of translators Please send your proposals below

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Due to the increase in projects at our company, we are a little understaffed and would want to hire a few independent contractors to work with us remotely for a…

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We are  urgently looking for a freelance translator who can help us with an English to Arabic translation project. The subject matter of the material is music therapy. Skills and…

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Job Requirements: 1. Read the material and look up some vocabulary. 2. Convert written content from English to Arabic 3. Verify if the original text’s tone and meaning are preserved…

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  • Less than a week
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    Easy to get a job

Hello, Make your proposals if you’re an Arabic translator with required skills to work with us.

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  • Less than a week
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Translators are currently needed to engage in a contract, translating official articles from English to Arabic. Kindly make your proposals,if you befit this offer. We are currently in need of…

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English to Spanish translator needed immediately.  Apply immediately if interested. Thank you.

  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Less than a week
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    Easy to get a job

Skilled and careful Translator’s are required to work on a medical research work. Drop your proposals if you have the fore listed characteristics.

  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Less than a week
  • Project typeProject type: Fixed
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