Hello! We are looking for experienced Translators who can handle a word document with ease. We have a very simple Translation job needed to be completed within a month. The…
Requirements on a daily basis: 1. Transcribe audio clips to text 2. Make sure that the translated text maintains the original tone and meaning.…
Hello! We are looking for experienced Translators who can handle a word document with ease. We have a very simple Translation job needed to be completed within a month. The…
I am in urgent need of a freelance translator who can translate various types of content from English to Arabic. The ideal candidate should have; 1. Experience in translating legal…
In need of someone who can professionally and accurately translate English texts/contents to Arabic. The skills set needed is; 1. Fluency in both English and Arabic language. 2. Carefulness and…
By accepting my proposal for your project, you can rest assured that I have full confidence in my ability to deliver. Hire me, and witness…
Native Arabic translators needed for a university project that needs translation from English to Arabic