That was easy
- $5.00 - $10.00 / hr
- United States
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In addition to my experience, I hold a certificate in Software Engineering and certificate in customer service, both strong academic foundations for this position.
I have strong interpersonal and organizational skills, and I am able
to deal with administrative duties competently on my own initiative or
as part of a team. I believe that this position requires exceptional
management skills which I can dispense with complete professionalism.
Furthermore, I am very positive that I can adequately handle the
pressure and challenges that come with this position since I am
patient, enthusiastic and keen in everything I do and I intend to
bring the same to my workplace.
Given the chance, you will find me a totally devoted individual with
pride in being direct, meticulous and open. I will develop a clear
sense of purpose with the ability to face my work challenges with
honesty, dedication and commitment.
I am extremely interested in this position and would welcome an
opportunity to have an interview with you at your earliest
convenience. I will be pleased to forward to you any other necessary
Ongoing Projects
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