Email Verified Seska Mnatti
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Member since October 3, 2023
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Hello there! My name is Ezra and I'm a professional writer. I have experience working with Native clients and delivering high-quality work. I'm a creative blogger and article writer who is available to help you create the best self-help book possible. With 3 years of writing experience, I can confidently say that my skillset includes book writing, editing, ghostwriting, proofreading and more. I understand what it takes to create a successful book: story development, book writing, editing and proofreading to ensure that the content is error-free before being released to the public. This is why I believe I am the best fit for this project - my skillset includes all of these areas which will ensure that your book is well-written and informative. Additionally, my English skills are excellent which will ensure that the book is accurately conveyed in a clear manner. I would be delighted to discuss this project further with you if given the opportunity. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like more information about my services.

  • $25.00 - $40.00 / hr
  • // States
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Bsc. Computer science

  •  Jomo kenyatta university of agriculture and technology
  •  Sep 2021 - Present

Currently studying