Email Verified Moaz El Mansoury
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Member since January 7, 2023
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  • $20.00  / hr
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  1. Writing is an essential skill for all human beings. It is a way to communicate thoughts and ideas to other people. Anyone can write if he takes the time to learn how. The process of writing is also self-expression; it can help you express your feelings, ideas, and experiences. People have different kinds of writing- literary, philosophical, and technical writings. Some people write journals or letters frequently. Everyone has a unique way of writing and should do so effectively. A person’s capability in writing depends on his age, intelligence, education, and personal dedication. Children under the age of ten years are very good at writing because they are still developing their minds. They also learn how to express themselves through writing. After that, they start to develop their minds further and learn from their mistakes. As long as they remain young, they will have a good grasp of the written English language. A good education makes you smarter, which makes you better at writing essays, reports, and other types of documents. Naive and uneducated people often have trouble writing effectively. They may have trouble understanding complex ideas or expressing their thoughts accurately. In these cases, they may prefer to avoid writing altogether. Instead, they may prefer to speak or create text via email or text messages. Professional writers can create content in minutes and keep pace with any job demands. They dedicate many hours each week to learning how to write effectively and professionally. Developing a style of your own is essential when writing anything. Every author has his unique way of communicating information with others. Most writers learn early in life how to write effectively by creating essays, reports, and letters. They also learn by reading other people’s work and copying what they do best. By doing this, they can develop their unique style of writing that suits them personally and professionally. Writing is also an excellent training tool for other areas of life- it helps you with your studies, career, etc. Writing is an essential skill that everyone uses daily- whether professionally or personally- without any effort or training required. People who write well are usually intelligent, educated, and have a good attitude toward life and literature. They can also do so quickly and easily by following a few simple principles learned over time.


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