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About “Peter Forest”

    Easy to get a job

Dear freelancers, We are a little understaffed as a result of the rise in projects at our company, and we would like to engage a…

    Easy to get a job

Requirements on a daily basis:   1. Read the provided content and do some terminology research 2. translate material from English to Arabic 3. Make…

    Easy to get a job

 Dear freelancers, We are a little understaffed as a result of the rise in projects at our company, and we would like to engage a…

    Easy to get a job

I am looking for a skilled translator to help me with an English-to-Arabic translation project. The project involves translating general text into Modern Standard Arabic.…

    Easy to get a job

I am looking for a skilled translator to help me with an English-to-Arabic translation project. The project involves translating general text into Modern Standard Arabic.…