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About “Jeremy Grant”

    Easy to get a job

Due to the increase in projects at our company, we are a little understaffed and would want to hire a few independent contractors to work…

    Easy to get a job

Job Requirements: 1. Read the material and look up some vocabulary. 2. Convert written content from English to Arabic 3. Verify if the original text’s…

    Easy to get a job

Skilled and careful Translator’s are required to work on a medical research work. Drop your proposals if you have the fore listed characteristics.

    Easy to get a job

Job Requirements: 1. Read the material and look up some vocabulary. 2. Convert written content from English to Arabic 3. Verify if the original text’s…

    Easy to get a job

Knowledgeable and competent candidates are required for a project requiring an Arabic translation from English. place your bids for more information