My name is Desiree L. McLaughlin. I am 41 years old and I am a homemaker. I have 15 little chihuahuas so I don’t have time to leave the house. I have a lot of time to do some work from home. When I am not messing around with my dogs I enjoy doing work on the computer. Any kind of writing jobs or data entry jobs that I can pick up are greatly needed and appreciated. I have 15 years experience in keyboarding and writing skills. I worked at the San Diego University for 2 years working on their security and data breach. I also worked at US Cyber tech building websites for homeowners and I have helped a lot of people who aren’t so computer savvy feel a lot more comfortable with their situation and I will take as long as I need to explain any kind of question you may have. I am looking forward to the work I have in front of me. The more challenging the better. I hope I am given the chance to prove myself and work for you or your company.