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Translation Service Required

  • 03 to 06 months

Project detail

Jobs  Translation  ان اتقن مهنه الترجمه من اي لغه في


I am looking for a skilled translator who can help me start my new enterprise by translating general documents from any language to another. The ideal candidate should have experience in translating various types of content and be proficient in multiple languages. The project requires the following skills and experience:


– Fluent in multiple languages, including English and Arabic


– Proficient in translating general documents


– Ability to accurately convey the meaning and tone of the original content


– Attention to detail and strong proofreading skills


– Familiarity with different cultures and their respective languages


– Ability to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality translations


If you have the skills and experience required for this project, please submit your proposal with examples of your previous work. Thank you.



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Languages required