Email Verified Boanta Eduard
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Member since August 1, 2022
Profile health 40%


  • $20.00 - $8.00 / hr
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My name is Boan?ă M. Eduard Marian Daniel and my biggest passion is for computers, especially in the field of Software /
Programming. During the 4 years of high school I tried to develop my knowledge and skills in the field of programming through
various programs and sources of external information, having the opportunity to create some small personal projects. At the
moment I know quite well the main programming languages, such as C / C ++; C # or Python. Along with these
documentaries, I also developed my speaking and writing skills in English. A year ago I started working in the field of video
games, using various specialized programs, such as Unreal Engine 4 or Unity. In the future I want to practice in this field.
I was also involved in the ECDL program supported by the Romanian Banking Institute, successfully completing this course,
obtaining a diploma that proves my activity in this course


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